Instructional Programming

Image if a student  writing in a notebook.At JCSSA, we believe in providing the best possible service to eligible students and their parents. We provide a variety of services and support to students protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004, assisting in the provision of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).

We make services and instructional placement decisions for each student based on the student’s Admission, Review, Dismissal (ARD) Committee, of which the parent is an essential member. The ARD committee must determine that the child requires supplementary services in order to benefit from the FAPE provided by the school district. Below, you’ll find a description of the various services we offer.

Inclusion with Accommodations and/or Modifications

Students may receive special education accommodations or modifications in the regular classroom. An inclusion teacher or instructional assistant may provide additional support within the classroom.

Content Mastery (CM)

Students may receive supplementary support services from the Content Mastery special education teacher or instructional assistant. Students remain in the regular classroom for instruction and then may receive individualized help on assignments.

Speech Therapy

We offer speech and language therapy to all eligible students residing within the school district from ages three through twenty-one. Through evaluation and intervention, the speech-language pathologist helps students with communication disorders in the areas of articulation, language, voice, and fluency. Services include direct instruction, consultation, or inclusion.

Related Services

Students may receive related services if the ARD committee determines that an educational need exists. Related services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling services.

Primary Classroom for Children with Disabilities (PCCD)

This multi-age self-contained classroom for students in the primary grades lets students receive intensive support and instruction to increase the ability to interact successfully with the environment and other people.

High School Life Skills and School-to-Work

In this self-contained setting for high school students with community outreach, students develop independent living skills and work schools necessary to be self-sufficient. Students work to improve basic academic skills, housekeeping, and self-care skills, as well as community and vocational skills.